•   Product

    SIGEST for Banks

  •   Created by:


  •   Typology:

    Software Web

  •   Target Audience:

    Commercial Banks

About the Product:

SIGEST Banca is an innovative solution designed to revolutionize the Angolan banking sector by addressing the persistent challenge of non-performing loans. With the highest rate of non-performing loans among the PALOP countries, Angola faces a critical issue that directly impacts the financial performance of banks, affecting liquidity and market confidence. SIGEST emerges as an integrated platform that optimizes collections management, combining financial information and records to automate processes and improve operational efficiency.

This solution not only facilitates negotiation between companies and debtors, promoting mutually beneficial solutions, but also generates detailed reports that assist in strategic decision-making. By implementing SIGEST, banks can expect a significant reduction in operational costs and an increase in success rates for recovering non-performing loans, thereby improving customer satisfaction and strengthening the bank's image in the market.

Joining SIGEST is a simple process that involves initial contact with the sales team, followed by a practical demonstration and a requirements assessment, leading to the contract signing. Positiva, the company behind SIGEST, guarantees exceptional support and security, with a strong commitment to customer satisfaction and success. This partnership promises not only a more efficient collections management solution but also an approach that values data security and the integrity of banking processes.